
作者:中央美术学院艺术管理与教育学院 上传时间:2021.1.16

2021年1月15日,中央美术学院艺术管理与教育学院、中国人民大学律师学院等十二家高校、教育机构、基金会等,联合发起的中国艺术法教育联盟(China Art Law Education Alliance),在北京宣告成立。

“艺术法”(Art Law)的概念,源自上个世纪中期欧美社会财富的积累与艺术市场的兴起,以及各国陆续开展艺术法教学和研究,在大量的理论和实践基础上,在法学和艺术学领域内逐渐形成的一门新的独立学科。中国艺术法研究起步稍晚。随着上个世纪九十年代以来艺术市场的建立与发展,艺术法的作用和价值日益显现,中国艺术法教育迎来了发展机遇。目前,中国艺术法教育面临着课程体系不完善、教学内容脱离实际、实用性不强等挑战。在此背景下,中国艺术法教育联盟的成立适逢其时。





China Art Law Education 

Alliance was established 

in Beijing


On January 15, 2021, China Art Law Education Alliance was established in Beijing, jointly sponsored by 12 universities, educational institutions and foundations, including School of Arts Administration and Education in Central Academy of Fine Arts and Lawyer College Renmin University of China.

The concept of "art law" originates from the accumulation of social wealth and the rise of art market in the West in the middle of last century, as well as the continuous development of art law teaching and research in various countries. On the basis of a large number of theories and practices, it has gradually formed a new independent discipline in the field of law and art. The research of art law in China started later. With the establishment and development of the art market since the 1990s, art law became increasingly significant, and Chinese art law education ushered in development opportunities. However, Chinese art law education is also facing some challenges, such as imperfect curriculum system, unrealistic teaching content, and low practicability. In this context, the establishment of China Art Law Education Alliance is just in time.

China Art Law Education Alliance is jointly founded by 12 founding board members, including School of Arts Administration and Education in Central Academy of Fine Arts, Lawyer College Renmin University of China, School of Arts Administration and Education in China Academy of Art, Xi''an Academy of Fine Arts, School of Culture and Communication in Central University of Finance and Economics, Wuhan University School of Law, Art College of Xiamen University, Civil and Commercial Law School of Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Guardian Education Center, Renmin University of China School of Arts, Wu Zuoren International Foundation of Fine Arts and Peking University Intellectual Property School.

With the unanimous consent of all founding board members, theAlliance passed the "China Art Law Education Alliance Constitution", which clearly stipulates that the "Alliance" is a national, open, non-profit and non-commercial educational mutual aid group. Its purpose is to support mutual exchanges, learning, observation and resource sharing among members in the fields of art law educationand academic research, encourage common progress in art law education among members, and promote the development of art law education in China. The Constitution also states that members of the Alliance shall take turns as the rotating chairman, and the rotating chairman shall host an "Art Law Education Forum" annually.

The establishment of China Art Law Education Alliance marks a new stage of Chinese art law education and art law discipline construction. The establishment of the alliance is of great significance to the construction of Chinese art law education system, the cultivation of high-quality art law talents,and the healthy development of Chinese art market.

